
You can connect to Excel files and copy the both worksheet tables and named tables and ranges into the Pyramid data flow. Each worksheet or named range in the given file is converted into a table. Each column within the sheet is converted into a column within the corresponding table

The Excel file source supports local file upload, pointer to a shared file on a network drive, and URL address.

Provide the File

Add the Excel source node to the data flow and go to its Properties panel. Start by selecting the method via which to provide the file.

Uploaded File

To upload a file, either drag and drop the file from its folder location onto the Properties panel, or click the blue Upload File button, and then find and select the file from its folder location.

Your given file will be uploaded:

Shared File

Users can provide a pointer to a shared file, rather than uploading the file into Pyramid. When the model is processed, the file is read and included in the model.

To connect to a shared file, enter the shared file path (including the file name and extension) in the Properties panel.

The shared file must use a UNC file path format to the shared directory and file on the network. The machine hosting Pyramid must have access to the shared file location. If the Pyramid services are running on different machines, the Runtime and Task Servers must be given access to the shared file location.

Clock OK to confirm your selection:


The data will be downloaded from the URL when the model is processed. To connect to a URL, enter the URL and its required authorization:

  • None: select None if no authorization is required
  • Basic Authentication: if basic authentication is required
  • Custom Header: if custom header authorization is required

Worksheets vs Named Ranges & Tables

After providing the file, you can set the appropriate table type. If each table in the file resides on its own worksheet, select 'Worksheets'. This will convert each sheet into a table in Pyramid.

If the worksheets in the file contain multiple named tables and ranges (rather than each table being placed in a different worksheet), choose 'Named Ranges & Tables'.

Table Selection

From the Table Selection panel select the tables that should be added to the Data Flow.


Expand the Description window to add a description or notes to the node. The description is visible only from the Properties panel of the node, and does not produce any outputs. This is a useful way to document the ETL pipeline for yourself and other users.